BRF Blog

Fitness Trends, Topics, & News
Persistence Highs

Persistence Highs

According to Kelly McGonagal’s book, The Joy of Movement, trail runner and triathlete Scott Dunlap describes the feeling he gets when he runs this way: “I would equate it to two Red Bulls and vodka, 3 ibuprofen, plus a $50 winning Lotto ticket in your pocket.” The...

Slimming Down After 50

Slimming Down After 50

Did you know that people lose 10% of their muscle mass by age 50? (American College of Sports Medicine). You have your metabolism to thank for this because your body’s muscle is more metabolically active than fat, which burns more energy from the start. And with less...

Maximizing your Time and Results

Maximizing your Time and Results

Are your visits to the gym a little like the movie Groundhog Day where every single visit feels like the same thing over and over with little variety? You get on the same machine for the same amount of time and lift the same weights for the same number of repetitions....

Getting Back to Beechmont Basics

Getting Back to Beechmont Basics

At Beechmont Racquet and Fitness, we’ve always valued the four main elements of wellness and hustled to incorporate them into every bit of who we are. We care about your physical health, your sense of belonging, your level of curiosity, and, most of all, your...

Benefits of Group Fitness

Benefits of Group Fitness

Ever considered Group Fitness classes? Here are four reasons why it could be one of the best decisions you make in your fitness journey.Building communityBuilding a community of people with similar goals and interests is a great way to find the motivation,...

Exercise & Mental Health

Exercise & Mental Health

One of the few positive outcomes of the COVID-19 pandemic has been an increased collective awareness of mental health and wellness. According to a recent article from IHRSA, researchers have observed a steady decline of mental health and wellness in much of society....

The Benefits of HIIT Workouts

The Benefits of HIIT Workouts

Most of us understand that exercise is a necessary part of overall health, but it’s hard to find the time between all of our hustles. High intensity interval training (HIIT) has gained popularity as a quick and easy way to exercise, and it offers many of the same...

Resistance Training Helps with Anxiety Disorders

Resistance Training Helps with Anxiety Disorders

IHRSA recently reported fascinating new information regarding the rising number of anxiety disorders amongst young adults. IHRSA reported that the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends resistance training and muscle strengthening exercises on two or more days...

Lockdowns Cause Severe Mental & Physical Health Consequences

Lockdowns Cause Severe Mental & Physical Health Consequences

Quarantine left us all feeling a little isolated, overwhelmed and wondering what pieces of the news we can pick up and really trust. Some sources encourage us to find community and move as much as possible as good practice for physical, mental and emotional health....

Fitness is More Than Safe!

Fitness is More Than Safe!

According to a recent article in Yahoo, a national study finds that fitness facilities are safe and are not contributing to the spread of COVID-19.The International Health, Racquet & Sportsclub Association (IHRSA) and MXM, a technology and knowledge transfer...

Does Exercise Make You Smarter?

Does Exercise Make You Smarter?

A recent article from Medical News Today, highlighted research on the relationship between physical fitness and cognitive performance. There are many reasons why healthy individuals display high cognitive performance, but this research (the largest and most detailed...

Great news about High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)!

Great news about High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)!

We are firm believers in using the methodology and utilizing High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) because of the positive effects it has on our bodies. HIIT is an fun and efficient workout that many are turning to while being quarantined.Earlier this year, a study...

Relationship between Immune Systems & exercise

Relationship between Immune Systems & exercise

Exercise cannot make you RESISTANT to COVID-19, but it may be able to make you more RESILIENT if you were to ever catch it. As we age, our immune systems naturally have a decline in some immune cell functions called immunosenescence. “Immunosenescence is...

The Basics and Benefits of Mindfulness Meditation

The Basics and Benefits of Mindfulness Meditation

Multitasking. We all experience doing two or three things simultaneously like talking on the phone while we drive, watch the kids and fold laundry while listening to the TV, and texting on our phones and carrying on a conversation at the same time. Our days consist of...

Run the Gauntlet 10 Week Challenge!

Run the Gauntlet 10 Week Challenge!

Challenge Details:Free to enroll10 weeks starting January 6thStars:Ways to earn stars:Post with the hashtag #RTGChallenge (maximum 1 per week)Take a screenshot of your post and email to lance@beechmontfitness.comPurchase a new packageBring a friend to try it...