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Anti-inflammatory and Anti-Cancer smoothie recipe:
-10oz vanilla soy milk
-1 banana
-1/4C berries (blueberry, raspberry, blackberry, strawberry – whatever you prefer)
-1TBSP chia seeds
-1TBSP ground flaxseed
-Dash of ground cinnamon
-1/4tsp turmeric
-1/8tsp black pepper
-1TBSP 100% natural cocoa powder (NOT dutched cocoa)
-Small slice (1/2 inch) fresh ginger or 1/2tsp ground ginger
-1/2TBSP honey
-Pinch of broccoli sprouts
-Ice to preference
Nutrition facts:
| 464 calories | 18g protein | 19g fiber | 275% daily value of omega-3’s | 500mg calcium |
Why use these ingredients?
Soy milk – contains isoflavones (phytoestrogen) which protect against sex-related cancers, has the same amount of protein, calcium, and vitamin D as cow’s milk with none of the cholesterol and a fraction of the saturated fat. A common myth is that soy contains estrogen, but it contains plant estrogen, not animal estrogen, and does not affect estrogen or testosterone levels in humans.
Banana – adds energy, can use ½ a banana, or none if you want less calories.
Berries – highly anti-inflammatory, packaged with antioxidants that directly improve cognitive function as well as blood flow.
Chia seeds- 1TBSP contains more than a day’s worth of omega-3s and 5g of fiber.
Ground flaxseed- Flax contains 800x more lignans than any other food, a phytochemical seen to reduce cancer growth and promote death of cancer cells. It is also high in omega-3s
Ground cinnamon- high in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory, also adds flavor.
Turmeric- the #1 most anti-inflammatory food in the world according to the dietary inflammatory index, also contains curcumin which has anti-cancer effects similar to flaxseed.
Black pepper – boosts absorption of curcumin in turmeric by up to 2,000%.
Natural cocoa powder – can improve blood flow to the skin by up to 70%. It has also been seen to improve strength gains in older adults who exercise regularly and even reduce wrinkles with long-term consumption. This is due to the flavanols found in cocoa which are lost in dutched cocoa, also gives it a rich chocolate taste.
Ginger – a natural remedy for nausea, also the #2 most anti-inflammatory food in the world according to the dietary inflammatory index. Be conservative, too much ginger can quickly overpower the recipe.
Honey – contains fructose, which is sweeter than regular sugar, so you can use less for more flavor, also has anti-microbial and anti-viral properties.
Broccoli sprouts – contain 10-100x more sulforaphane than mature broccoli, which detoxifies carcinogens, and is anti-inflammatory.