
Work Out Worry-Free while your kids are in our care!

Our Kids Center provides a fun and enriching environment for kids of all ages. The size of our space allows us the luxury of separating the area into two sections based on age and development. In addition, we have a Kids Gym adjacent to the Kids Center, where staffers and members can bring the children for fun activities and games. Parents can take delight in a guilt-free workout knowing their children are in an area that they enjoy!

Current Schedule

Monday – Friday 8:30am – 11:30am
Saturday 8:00am – 11:30am




5:00pm – 8:00pm

5:00pm – 8:00pm

5:00pm – 8:00pm

(Subject to change as needs change)

Kids Center Information

  1. Drop-in care: Appointments are not required! When you arrive to work out, bring your child to our center on the lower level. Work out, and return when you are finished!
  2. Time limits: Parents should not leave the premises while their children are in our care. We ask that you not leave your child/children for more than two hours.
  3. Food: We ask that you do not leave your child with any food in the Kids Center. All the other kids get jealous, and some kids have allergies to certain foods.
  4. Illness: We love having your kids, but if they are too sick to go to school, they are too sick to stay with us. Please be considerate of other families as you would want them to be considerate of your family.
  5. Potty Training Policy: If your child is not potty trained, a pull-up or diaper is required.
  6. Changes to schedule: We are very proud of our team, but we occasionally run into staffing challenges and are not able to offer care. We maintain a database of emails so that we can communicate in rare cases. If you have not already done so, please ask the Kids Center staff to be added to email distribution list. ​​